An about about

A more recent, respectful write, about the work I do, is due for this writing.

JohnnyLaboriel dolmen or torii?

Architecture; Professional Decisions; and Bitcoin

I started architectural profession at 2008, under Miguel Basurto’s firm: a humble, yet, great place on which I learned about how an architectural office is managed.

Basurtitos Los Basurtitos. With my dear colleagues and friends, trapped in the office

By around those times, world financial crisis gave bitcoin a fertile soil to sprout. Back then, however, I was still unaware of such topics.

Commercial banks, on the other hand, seemed to know just enough about me to offer me some credit cards as soon as I started perceive income in Basurto’s firm. To me, to get a credit card was equals to get wings, or say, to “be made”, socially speaking.

Fitness_Slavery Voluntary slavery

Starting to realize

Fast forward, ten years later, I was invited to work for a H.O.A. (Home Owner Association) based in a mid-high class suburban neighborhood, located in Naucalpan, Estado de Mexico.

In this job, the dwelling conventionalisms taken in consideration during school years, were totally alienated. This HOA is on the confrontation with the further development of his neighborhood, also known, as an a case of nimbyism. Their claim, is against the development of apartment buildings. Then, I found this wasn’t the only case, and that it happens all around the world, whenever a a metropolis is developed.

Paloma A bird. They know…

A little later, in 2020, happened what we all already know: the breakout of COVID Pandemic. Now jobless, but already enrolled in urban studies, it was the beginning of a new series of questioning.

A new crisis, a new chance to learn

Back in 2008, my experience wouldn’t let me realize the implications of the anthropological structures we are all constantly living in. In 2020, the main driving question was that about the search for a better life quality.

What some call to be “aspirational,” it is actually what either generation: name it boomer, x, millennial, and still, z, were all taught on each’s own right: “fake it til’ you make it”. And even when consistency does works, the problem is the measure on which this “to make it” is measured, or say, the achievements measured through a FIAT money standard.

ElZonte El Zonte. A town located in La Libertad prefecture, El Salvador

2008 was also the year of bitcoin’s incursion. What was once saw as “magical internet money” now is on the verge of trying to proof its very own value: that of being able to set a paradigm in anthropological structures. For professionals around the world, that is important in the ways of trying to sustain a sustainable life, because, after all, we are just trying to make it in life.

So what now?

WhatsCookin What’s cookin’?

By the time being, and aside of bitcoin, the schools of thinking I’m finding the most inspirational, are those of phenomenology and Austrian economics. Also, there’s a recent affair for the work of David Graeber; whom particularly, puts in questioning the ways of modern jobs and lets loose speculations towards new kinds of directions on which to point such energy and efforts.

Homesteading and permaculture, are also trades that promises to get the best out of work and energy: to be assuring what is the fundamental necessities of sustaining life, and from there, to start making way. In this blog, I’ll be sharing the stumbles on my own experiences, but I’m currently starting by growing:

Lastly, there’s also an affair for classical and vernacular architecture. If bitcoin’s hypothesis is right, and if it is true that the old ways of architecture are not more possible because a disorientation of both energy and work usage, then maybe we will be start to be seeing the fix on that claim.

JohnnyTwo A talk in FES Acatlan, UNAM. Mexico, 2022

Yours, Moizen

2023 Jun